Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The music DOES matter.......

I've been perusing government access channels in some of my recent travels, and have noticed quite a few things that pertain to GovAccessMusic.com's target audience. As I flip around the dial, i try to view the channel as if I was a resident of the area instead of just someone traveling through.

  1. Having no music at all is boring. I flipped away from a residential area channel that had no audio at all, even though the pictures that were showing of a recent event were nice.

  2. Having bad music is even worse. Once educational access channel I watched for a while had music that was VERY badly recorded - and was even distorting on top of that. No one with any ears at all was going to watch their content for very long.

  3. The music had a direct affect on my perception of the quality of the information being presented. Bad music meant the station staff either didn't care about the presentation as a whole (so why should I believe or pay attention to the information?), OR they were incompetent and didn't know any better (so why should I believe the information?).

  4. So if you are managing an access channel of some kind, PLEASE pay attention to the music you use. You'll be able to pick up some quality tracks from GovAccessMusic.com before long!