Monday, July 26, 2010

New Tracks added to ElectronicaLoopy, Calmness

We just added two new tracks to the library:

Grounds Crew: an uptempo electronica piece in the ElectronicaLoopy album. Lots of fun to listen to, and will keep your viewers watching!

Storm: added to the Calmness album, this one features some very nice Fender Rhodes electric piano work and a memorable melody.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dsi-Ponder: Electro added to ElectronicaLoopy

Just added a 6 minute track with an unusual name to the Electronicloopy album. Dsi-ponder: Electro was created using a lot of material from a Nintendo DSi, including the software ElectroPlankton and the Korg DS-1o synth.

The piece feels techno-ish, but there are a lot of sonic surprises in the track, all designed to keep your audience from tuning out.

Click here to take a listen!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Oceanside added to the library

Oceanside has just been added to the Light Jazz album in the library. It's a light tune that's just over 4 minutes long which features some steel drums and tasty guitar playing.

Check it out here!

Remember that the previews you hear on the site are NOT the full length tunes, but they DO feature samples from every section of the track. We do a custom edit to create the previews so you'll know exactly what you're buying.

Just another way we at are trying to make YOUR job easier!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Want to hear full versions of [many of the] tracks?

Many of the tracks on have been posted to Tom's site . This would be a good way to hear the entire track on some of these tunes, in case the previews don't give you enough of a taste.

Check it out - and leave Tom a shout if you like what you hear!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Does GAM accept Purchase Orders?


Perhaps a longer answer is in order.

We do indeed accept purchase unless the terms proposed are unreasonable (we've seen some fairly outrageous terms sometimes - including  250 days net instead of the standard 30 days net).

You can mail POs to
PO Box 13526
Macon, GA 31208

We do have a fax number, but would prefer not to post it online 9we get enough junk faxes as it is). Use the handy contact form to ask about the fax number  and we'll get back to you with the number.